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4 Hydroponics Benefits You Should Know About

Hydroponics has become a bit of a buzzword lately. This new type of system is changing the way people produce crops. However, the topic can be confusing. Below, are just a few of our favorite hydroponics benefits. 1- A Space-Saving Solution This system is great for greenhouses and other small spaces. That’s because hydroponics can…

Does Your Business Need a Commercial Air Purifier?

If you own a business, then you know that customer experience matters. Customers today are more worried about cleanliness than ever before. You’ve probably also noticed cleanliness concerns from staff members. A commercial air purifier is a great way to ease these concerns. Below, learn why a commercial air purifier can boost your company’s post-coronavirus…

Want to Have High Purity Water?

All lab experts like water that gives them accurate results. But not everybody can filter water properly. Clean Liquid Systems have systems that can make normal water into high purity water. Let’s have a look at it. High Purity Water Systems It is not possible for everyone to have a high purity water system as…

How to Remove Dust from the Air?

Clean air is not a luxury but a necessity for a healthy life. No matter where ever we live or work, the environment should have clean and healthy air to breathe. Therefore, if the air has dust in it, it becomes mandatory to remove it. The basics of removing dust from the air Airborne dust…

The Best Natural Water Filter System

Who doesn’t want clean filtered water? Every single person prefers to have drinking water that is free from odor, chemicals, and toxic substances. And for getting clean natural water, you would need a good filter system that can make water completely pure. This means for getting the best quality water; you need to buy the…

What Do Different Types of HVAC Filters Do?

The air filters play a crucial role in providing clean air for us. Whether it is your heating device, ventilator, or air conditioner, these cannot work properly without filters. But it is important to know which type of filter does what if people wish to choose a proper one. Let’s explore today the different types…

Activated Carbon: An Effective Solution to Control Odor

Working becomes difficult when the air is filled with odor. Odor can be a result of a single chemical or several chemicals present in the air and can have health effects. Not all people are sensitive to odor. But those who are might develop some serious health problems. Therefore, the work environment, whether it is…

What is a HEGA filter?

My Opinion and the Dirty little truths about HEGA filter. Unfortunately,  the word “HEGA” has also become diluted amongst our industry and surprisingly to me from companies that know better. What is a HEGA?  “High Efficiency Gas Adsorber”, the adsorber must have a minimum mechanical efficiency of 99.9% when tested in accordance with the Institute…

What Do Pollution Control Products Do?

Be it smoke or grease in your home, hotels, or refineries; pollution control products can remove all with ease. One of those products is pollution control units that is a mechanical filter arrangement. It ensures to keep your computer and other equipment safe and also allows them to work in a pollution-free environment. Benefits of…

What is a HEPA filter?

My Opinion and the Dirty little truths. Unfortunately, the word “HEPA” has become a bit of a common word and used by many companies as a buzz word. Technically speaking it stands for “High Efficiency Particulate Air” and according to the “Institute of Environmental Technology” (IEST), they define the filter as being made into a…